Friday, November 26, 2010


Last Tuesday afternoon Suzanne and I went to see Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows – Part 1. It’s amazing and very dark – kept me awake all day – and a great way to spend an afternoon. But it’s hard to imagine what anyone would think if they had not seen the previous movies or read the books. It would still be enjoyable of course. There’d still be lots of action and the special effects would still be stunning, but all sound and furry, signifying nothing. Indeed, one reviewer, who I expect has not appreciated the previous movies, and probably hasn’t read the books, observed simply, “Too loud”.

The Deathly Hallows is the last book in a series of seven published over a ten year period. It takes a certain patience and dedication to comprehend it all and, though millions of children have managed to read all 3,357 pages, I don’t expect everyone to have done so. But that being said, if you’re going to really “get it” you just have to do the work.

Well, Christmas is almost upon us again, and I can’t help feeling that for many it’s a bit like walking into The Deathly Hallows with no introduction. Christmas is the culmination of a long story and it’s hard to really “get it” if you haven’t been following along. Of course, in the case of Christmas, most people have a personal history of family and celebration to look back on, so it has a charm and beauty quite apart from the God and Jesus stuff, but for me it’s the beginning of the last episode in a colossal story, and I like to review the story a little as I prepare each year.

So this year I’m going to simply do that. I think I’ll spend Advent, November 28th to Christmas Day, retelling the story in my own words, from the beginning. I’ll tell it as I would to a child, not because I think you are children, but because that’s the way I understand things best. And, without apology, I’m going to view it from my own perspective, and put my own personal interpretation on the whole thing.

If you would like to come along you’re more than welcome. And if you want to share your thoughts as we go along that’s great too. As you may have noticed, the spammers have forced me to start reviewing comments before they’re published but I’ll do my very best to keep on top of that. I don’t filter for agreement or theology or anything like that, just for spam, so please share. Christmas is all about sharing you know. Well, maybe not all about sharing, but sharing is important as we get ready for Christmas.

PS: I won’t get started right on the 28th because I’m away this weekend, but I’ll see you early next week.

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