Thursday, September 11, 2008

Ten Good Things About Canadian Elections

Now that the inevitable whining has subsided I hope we're all going to have a great time electing a government to run the country for another six weeks to four years. I've never really understood why folks who claim to love democracy crab and complain so much when Parliament's dissolved and we head off to the polls. So I'd like to share ten reasons why Canadian elections are a good thing:

10 - They're a cynical, stage-managed, televised program designed to create the illusion that something is really happening, i.e., reality television.

9 - They shut down Ottawa for a whole month and a half so nothing gets done.

8 - They give the clairvoyants in Green Party and NDP a chance to tell us what the Liberals and Conservatives will be telling us in ten years.

7 - They provide career opportunities for politicians who would otherwise be selling those gas-guzzling, global warming used cars.

6 - They account for about 90% of the fiction and fantasy literature produced in Canada.

5 - They give us something to watch on TV now that we've figured out which two CFL teams won't make the play-offs.

4 - They're the only violent team sport that doesn't yet require helmets and face masks.

3 - They pump millions of dollars into the economy that otherwise might be squandered on daycare programs and shelters for the homeless.

2 - They provide an infinite number of things for vanity driven, self-important idiots to blog about.

1 - They provide a six week opportunity for us all to participate in soul-stirring, nation-building political discussion and debate, and to laugh at the Americans who have to do it for two years.

Jesus said, “When you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing”. Well, I go him one better when I mark my ballot; even my right hand doesn't know what it's doing.

Churchill said, “Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others”. I suppose he'd never heard of a Ouija board.

And I say, “If you don't know who to vote for, don't worry about it. In a year or so we'll probably all get a chance to do it again.

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