Tuesday, May 6, 2008

A Prophetic Word from Jeremiah, Wright?

In my last posting I mentioned the shock bites we have seen again and again featuring Barack Obama’s pastor, Jeremiah Wright, preaching what appear to be very inflammatory and hurtful things. In one of these snippets he is seen declaring that the attacks of 9/11 were “America’s chickens coming home to roost”. This is a fifteen second clip from a thirty-five minute sermon, and I suggested we take the time to listen to Bill Moyer’s interview with Rev. Wright before drawing any conclusions about the meaning of the clip in question.

Since my last posting I have taken the time to go beyond Bill Moyers and listen to the 9/11 sermon in its entirety, and I must say this is one of the most powerful sermons I have ever heard. It is a prophetic word in a time of urgent need and, as far as this preacher is concerned, it’s a masterpiece.

In recent generations, because most of our preachers have been thoroughly domesticated, few of us have ever heard prophetic preaching. This is an opportunity to hear some. It’s shocking, heart breaking, inspiring, challenging and more than a little scary. But much more than that, I believe it is a word from the Lord. So I encourage you to click on the link below which will take you to Roland S. Martin's website where you can listen to the whole sermon. Compare it to the clip you heard, and see how the media have misled the people by manipulating this preacher's words.

In the next few postings I will continue to reflect on the place of prophetic preaching in the life of church and society, but before we go there give a listen.

Jeremiah Wright’s 9/11 Sermon, September 16, 2001

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