Monday, March 23, 2009

Singing Praise

This morning I watched a DVD of my mom’s memorial. Mom had eight children, one has passed away, and of the remaining seven, five spoke at the service. Of the five who spoke, four sang, and all shared about their love for her, and the boundless, unconditional love she had for them, for all of us, for everyone. Her steadfast love and mercy were astounding. But, as we shared and sang, some made reference to a few occasions when my mother’s love was not all together pleasant; for example, being taken to a neighbour to confess a misdemeanour and seek forgiveness, or the gift she had for stirring up repentance with a wooden spoon.

It occurred to me that there may have been some in that congregation who were shocked to hear these things about the tender, gentle soul they thought they knew. Perhaps, on hearing of this “shaming” and “abuse”, some imagined that they’d caught a glimpse of something hateful, or hurtful, in this, otherwise, so saintly woman. Mom had her faults, of course, but none of us who knew her best would number shaming and abuse among them. Wooden spoons and forced confessions notwithstanding, any who want to know who my mother really was, need only listen to her children speak and sing her praise.

On March 19th I posted some comments about these “THERE’S PROBABLY NO GOD. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life.” ads that have been appearing on buses lately. And I mentioned that I find it odd that Richard Dawkins and his friends assume that people who believe in God are worried about it. But, on reflection, I find it more than odd; I find it sad and troubling. Sad because God is Love, and O, so not to be worried about! And troubling because I am concerned that something his children have said about the "Fear of the Lord" (the “scary” side of his love) might have been misunderstood.

I’d like to say something to the sponsors of these ads, and to anyone out there who is “worried” that God might exist. But what can I say? Far better to just lay my arm across your shoulders and encourage you all to come with me to some of the places I know where you can hear his children sing his praise. Just click on the song titles below.

I love these songs, and hope these brothers and sisters of mine will sound just great to you. But, even if you think they sound just awful, they certainly will not sound worried.


Written by Brenton Brown

Sung by Chris Tomlin


Written by Bart Millard

Performed by Mercy Me


Performed by Hillsong United

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