Now, I believe the Holocaust took place pretty much as we’ve been told. I am sympathetic to the cause of remembering it, and I believe we need to learn the great lessons the Holocaust has to teach us. But I am not sympathetic to the cause of this email which has been circulating for many years at the expense of the Muslim community. The claim that the teaching of the Holocaust is banned in the UK, because of the Muslims or for any other reason, is factually untrue. If you google around a bit you will find that Holocaust teaching is compulsory in UK schools.
This email is actually a cynical attempt to stir up fear and resentment toward Muslims. And, if we remember the Holocaust, we should also remember that this is the sort of misinformation Hitler used to foster fear and hatred of the Jews. It is precisely this kind of bigotry and manipulation of public sentiment that the memory of the Holocaust should cause us to resist. So, if you receive this email, or any like it, Please don't forward to anyone without checking it out. People are still getting hurt.
1 comment:
Hi, your sister Susan directed me to this blog...we used to go to high school together.(you and I)
I'm suprised that no one commented on this entry. I say "Hurrah!" This is educating people and stopping the hate that will so easily be stirred up. Thanks for writing it. You can always direct people to "snoops" to confirm those fun e-mails that stir up the blood, or water down, which ever. I'm looking forward to getting on in the blog and wanted to start back here to see where you're going and where you came from.
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