Saturday, October 20, 2007

Livin’ In Blogalong

Wow!!! This blogging thing is a bit like just waking up some morning in China. Not that that's a bad thing, about 1 in 4 human beings do it every day. It's just all so new to me that I don't know enough to even ask where I am.

For example, someone asked me, "Have you registered the blog with key words (religion, Christianity etc)?". I have no idea what that is, or how you do it. If anyone out there knows how this is done please let me know. In fact, if you can do it for me, right from where you are, feel free to click your mouse and make the magic happen. And, do you think this willingness to have people do things for me might be part of the reason I so often don't know what I'm doing?

They also suggested that I begin my postings with a "cartoon, video, relevant news clip". Another great idea that I will implement if I ever figure out how it's done. I just remembered, someone told me that in Chinese the symbol for “crisis” is the same as the symbol for “opportunity”. Maybe I know more Chinese than I thought. Then again, maybe that's just a lot of hooey, which a Chinese friend once told me is the Chinese word for hooey. Small world, eh? And, considering that particular friend’s sense of humour, this also could be a lot of hooey.

And that reminds me, from another friend: "focus on your great sense of self deprecating humour". Hmm, from time to time we get these little insights into how others see us. Okay, I suppose, just as long as I can still deprecate on other people once in a while. And you can get in a lot of trouble, or is that hooey, just trying to be funny. Why do some people take not being funny so seriously?

Someone also pointed out that the font is too small. I know how to fix that but I’m not sure it’s really my problem. Sort of reminds me of all the trouble my dear wife went to trying not to mumble before we discovered I’m losing the hearing in my right ear. This, incidentally, is the one on the passenger side when I’m driving. I wonder, do you think it might be worn out? Or perhaps it just went deaf from not listening.

Uh oh, I think I just proved my point about humour. O well, more time for blogging.


Mario said...

O.K. -I just had to comment on this one (Dan, you know why)! And I think it's hilarious! The deaf thing -ya, don't anyone tell me that's not a 'guy thing' ! Now, they'll all be claiming hearing loss! I think laughing at one's self is great fun and I myself, think it's good for the soul. There should be a prescription to do it once a day at minimum!

Jim Parsons said...

Hi - I loved the comment "take advantage of your great ability (and, perhaps without saying it) your great honesty in being self-deprecating". People do say the best things. I once had a person say "Thanks for your attempts at humor."
