Friday, September 18, 2009

You must be born again,... and again,... and again,... and...

I mentioned in my last post (Sept 15) that I’m resigning from my church effective the end of November. This isn’t as momentous an event as it may sound; I’m an interim pastor after all, and we are made for replacing. Fifteen months is not a particularly short interim, but the fact that I’m going before they have a replacement is significant. The church has challenges that I really can’t help them with, and right now it’s in a pretty fractious state. After more than 30 years in ministry I have neither the emotional resources nor the inclination to deal with all the squabbling that was, and is, and is to come. So I’m looking for something more meaningful to do, as are a number of others in the church

The sad thing in all of this is that it’s so unnecessary. There are lots of great people in this church, and there’s lots of opportunity for great ministry. But, for many years, certain folks have made it their business to “sow discord among the brethren” as Proverbs 6:19 puts it. This is all too common in churches, but it’s a sin that this particular passage in Proverbs ranks with the giving of false testimony, and the shedding of innocent blood. Over the years I’ve seen the kind of damage this selfish behaviour does in families, workplaces, churches and communities, and all I can add is a fervent “Amen!”.

So, for the next little while I’m going to spend some time blogging about the condition of the church today – not just this church, but the church in general. It’s a terrible mess, and, if Jesus hadn’t promised that the gates of hell would not prevail against his church I’d be sorely tempted to just give it all up and walk away as so many have done. But I love the church, and I’m convinced that the secret of it’s longevity (more than 2000 years, if we only count the time since Jesus) is that it passes away and is born again in every generation. If we’re wedded to the part that’s dying, of course, it feels like a tragedy, and it is. The solution, however, is simple; just love what’s being born.

And, as for me, in the mean time? I’m back running every other day, reading, blogging, wondering what God has planned for the rest of my life, and hoping that I still have some years to go. And today I’m hanging out at Alberta Beach, about 30 minutes west of Edmonton, at a lakeside cabin that’s been in Suzanne’s family since the 1920s. - I married well – I’m planning to take December off and go to Ontario for Christmas. We’ll spend time with our little granddaughter and her folks in North Bay, and another son in Toronto.

If you’re feeling sorry for me, don’t. And here’s a picture of a sunset right in front of our cabin to make the point.

Life’s pretty good.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Haven’t posed anything since the end of July. Sorry to all who’ve been checking in, and thanks to those who actually checked on me to see if I was okay. That was pretty cool. Feels like we have a bit of a community going here.

Not really sure why I’ve been out of action so long. I was feeling pretty down after my last posting about the death of Arthur Dethmers. He was such a wonderful kid – a young man of 30 actually, but at sixty I find I have a lot of grown-up kids in my life – and Dethmers are such a great family. I think I was just sort of empty. I was also on vacation, and I’ve had some big work challenges that I’m going to blog about now that they’re sorting out. Anyway, I’m back.

Last Sunday the chair of the Board read my resignation letter to the congregation. I’ll be done here at the end of November and I really have no idea what I’ll do then. Only plan is to take December off and go to Ontario for Christmas. I don’t want to pastor another church so I’ll look for something else to do after that.

I’m tired of all the nonsense of church life these days, but that’s a subject for another posting. Right now I’m focused on just getting past it. Jesus actually gave some great advice about these situations. He told his disciples that they needed to know when it to call it quits, and when that time comes just to “shake the dust from your feet” and move on. (Matthew 10:14) Life’s messy, and you’re bound to get a little poop on you from time to time. You have to be able to take it while you’re in the middle of it, but you don’t have to take any of it with you when you go.

There’s a song called Million Pieces I listen to at times like these. It’s by a band called The Newsboys. They’re a worship band, but it’s not a worship song; just a great one. Click on the title and give it a listen. If you’re feeling down it will cheer you up. If it doesn’t perhaps you should seek medical attention.