So, there goes Christmas for another year. Well, actually only Christmas day. And, even more actually, just Christmas morning, but you know what I mean. We build up to this two hour happy fit all year and its all over in, well... two hours. But then again we still have Boxing Day and the rest of the twelve days of the season through January sixth. By then I’ll be glad to put feasting and frolicking behind me for another year. But we’re about to put a turkey in the oven, and there’s still plenty of egg-nog, so party on!!!
Suzanne and I are spending Christmas in North Bay with our oldest boy, his wife and two year old daughter. Our second oldest is also with us. What fun to be with a little child at Christmas. This is the first year she’s really been aware of what’s going on and we had to play down Santa a little because she was getting very nervous about him coming into the house while we were all asleep. She seems to think that a nocturnal home invasion is invariably a bad thing. – Too much CNN. – She’s feeling more positive about the old saint now.
God bless you all, and I hope you’ve had a great year and a wonderful Christmas. Here’s a picture of the stockings this morning. The funny one, second from the left, is a doggy sweater, and the ridiculously huge one is for our grand daughter. You could literally put several boxes of Cheerios in it, but that didn’t happen this year.